A few words about
What We Do
Our Lessons
Our mission involves numerous lessons that are designed to give you the right information to manifest your hopes, dreams, and goals into reality.
Proverbs says, “The mind produces what it thinks”. This production of thinking goes through a process that will manifest itself in the physical world. That is why learning how to formulate thought into a language that is beneficial to your goals, dreams, and desires is crucial.
Humanity is from One Cause, and that Cause is why life lives. Nature knows no divisiveness in its array of life. Yet humanity glorified as the highest form of divine intelligence has become animalistic in behavior and detrimental to its kin and kind.
Humanity has become numb to the cries of those hurting and needing help. Humanity is a weaponized predator that hates, hurts, and murder without remorse. This attitude and action have given birth to chaos. We are not only talking about the extremists who physically hate, harm, and murder people; we also include the mild-mannered individuals that pretend to be otherwise when in fact they secretly hate, harm, and murder individuals perpetually on a mental and spiritual level.
Our mission is to remind humanity of the human Being they are, and have ignored in order to wreak havoc on a world in fear. We give and show love to all without judgment because love is the life we are given to live.
The scriptures say God created man in His image and after His likeness. And scripture says that another man was made from the dust of the ground. This dustman was given a gender of male or female. So, we got a Spiritual Being called man and we got an Intellectual Creature cloth in flesh called man and woman.
We have not been told that these two men in our make up are dominant and submissive. Which means one is from heaven and one is from earth. So, as we read scripture we see that one is designed to control the other in order to peacefully operate properly as a unit or oneness on the plane of manifest.
We will show you and teach you how to use your divine knowledge of Selfhood to improve your intellect through disciplined behavior of your emotional and rational self.
Divine Awareness
Wherever we may live on planet earth, we are not alone. There is a Power beyond our understanding and control that allowed us to be present here where we are to connect with one another. We are sisters and brothers of the same mind seeking to help our brothers and sisters overcome the restrictions of hunger, shelter, education, physical health, mental wellbeing, spiritual deficiency, and poverty. Underprivileged anywhere is underprivileged everywhere. So, we say, “Not on my watch will I allow it to happen to you”!
When we develop that attitude, we will ignite a spark in others that will catch fire and burn away negativity. We are one people living on one planet, serving, and worshiping one Source as the only thing greater than ourselves.
We are people helping people to live better lives by joining and uniting with us to learn the Divine Instructions that transform lives.
Divine Leadership
The scripture says get wisdom and above all get understanding. Wisdom comes from experience. Understanding is that which is acknowledged through the outcome of our actions upon a particular subject. Understanding is based on applied principles, duration of time, and manufacturing of results. In other words, if I wanted to go south I would not arrive there if I were going north. It would not matter how focused I was on getting to my destination, or visualizing seeing friends, family, and loved ones as I head north away from where I truly want to be. The truth is my actions, regardless how fast I drive will not get me to my intended destination.
There are times when we have to discard information that we have had since childhood because it is not getting us to our destination. We have been taught by family members, academic scholars, religious leaders, friends, and society. Yet, when we examine all this information, it has little value in promoting proper growth as a right-thinking human being.